WordPress development

6 Common Myths WordPress Development


WordPress  development More than 35% of websites on the Internet use WordPress. WordPress’ title as the world’s best CMS has gone unchallenged for almost a decade. Although WordPress is widely used, there are still many misconceptions about WordPress development. Many of these misconceptions prevent users from choosing WordPress. As one of the best WordPress development agencies in India, we must clear the misconceptions regarding WordPress development.

Understanding this WordPress myth, you should know that this article is about self-hosted WordPress.org, not WordPress.com. As an open platform, WordPress is ideal for startups and small and medium-sized businesses to create websites. If you have any doubts about the reliability of this platform, you should know that leading brands such as Sony, MTV, Bloomberg and BBC use WordPress on their websites.

In this article, we will debunk many popular myths about WordPress. WordPress builds and encourages you to participate in the WordPress community.

Important Tips for WordPress Development

Tips for WordPress website development

WordPress is free to use. That’s why some experts around the world have published negative comments about its stability and security. None of these apply, which is ultimately why WordPress tops the list as the best CMS.

Let’s break these myths one by one.

Myth #1 – WordPress is just a blogging tool

This is the biggest misconception we hear about WordPress. WordPress emerged as a blogging tool in 2003. As the community grew, the blogging tool was transformed into a full CMS. Many content engines and developers have joined the platform, creating libraries of themes and plugins to support different types of websites.

Today, you will find many theme developers and WordPress development agencies to help you develop websites running on websites covering all types of industries and niches such as news, music, entertainment, and apps

Myth #2 – WordPress’ in Lack of a Good Support Team

Many newbie developers or WordPress users complain about the lack of a quality support team. They believe as they do not pay for the service, there is nobody accountable to help when required. Well, that is not true. A simple Google search will show hundreds of tutorials, tips, and how-to articles on a single topic.

Besides these resources on the web, WordPress.org has a highly active and efficient support forum managed by a large community of WordPress developers. You can ask your queries on the forum and get replies from other WordPress users or moderators in the community. However, if you need help, then you can always hire a WordPress development company to design a website.

Myth #3 – Customizing a WordPress website is not easy

The WordPress platform revolves around themes, plugins, and frameworks. Hence, many believe that customizing a website is difficult. This myth originated from the belief that theme and template are the same things. Well, that is not true. A template is, in fact, a subset of the theme.

With the introduction of page builder tools like Elementor , Wp Bakery and Beaver, customizing a WordPress website is easy and less complicated. Furthermore, the developers can customize both the front-end and back-end based on the requirements. If you still find it difficult to customize a WordPress website, then you can always hire our website development company in India for WordPress development and customization.

Myth #4 – WordPress does not support e-commerce

Roughly 4.66 billion people across the globe use the internet today. Such a large internet population opens the online channel for businesses to sell online. But there is a common myth circulating across the web that it is tough to manage an eCommerce website on WordPress. Well, indeed, WordPress  development does not feature a shopping cart by default, but you can always use plugins to add eCommerce functionality to your WordPress site.

One of the most popular eCommerce plugins in WordPress is WooCommerce. More than 42% of eCommerce websites in the world use WooCommerce. You can easily set up an online store using eCommerce WordPress plugins where you can sell both physical and digital products.

Myth #5 – WordPress Development is not secure

Another common myth often circulated about WordPress development is that WordPress is not secure enough compared to other proprietary software. Well, this notion comes from the fact that the source code of WordPress is available out there in the open. Miscreants can easily find security loopholes by studying this publicly available source code.

Well, WordPress development is very flexible, and its security can be improved further using security services like Security or any reliable website firewall. You can further strengthen WordPress security using strong passwords and other best security practices for WordPress.

Myth #6 – The future of  WordPress development is uncertain

WordPress is free to use, a fact that gives a spark to the myth that WordPress development’s future is not definite. It is a common belief that something free will eventually get outdated and neglected. A community of passionate and professional developers built WordPress.

A full-fledged and large community manages WordPress. A non-profit organization called WordPress Foundation owns and protects the WordPress name and endorses the open-source CMS. More importantly, there are many small and large WordPress companies indulging in businesses selling WordPress products and services. Besides these, there are thousands of developers and development agencies primarily creating websites powered by WordPress.

All in all, WordPress is here to stay and thrive.

We hope that now you believe that WordPress development  is an ideal open-source platform to run a website. While you can always start a website on your own using WordPress, you can also hire a WordPress development Company like Tryangletech IT Solutions to kickstart or enhance your online business

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